PROCESSIONAL CROSS - a portable cruxifix mounted on a staff, which is used in liturgical processions at the head of the vested members of the liturgy

CANDLE - it represents Christ as the light of the world. It is a sign of Joy.

BELLS - also known as sanctus bells or sacring bells. It is rung by the server at the mass or celebration to draw attention to the most sacred moments of the liturgy. It is als used in processions to draw the attention of the crowd.

CRUETS -  vessels or bottles, ususally in the form of jugs having a handle and a beak, made of glass or metal intended to contain the wine and water for the mass.

BASIN AND TOWEL - used for washing the priests hands befor praying over the gifts.

CIBORIUM - this is a sacred vessel, a container that is covered in which the small host are placed during the distribution of the Holy Communion.

CHALICE - a sacred vessel in which the Eucharistic wine is consecrated at the mass.

PATEN - a round thin convex plate, with the same material as the chalice, large enopugh to wxtend over the lip of the chalice. the Bread to be consecrated would be placed upon it.

PURIFICATOR - a small piece of white absorbent linen, appriximately 8x16, folded lengthwise, and marked with a cross in the center. Used by the priest to wipe the mouth of the chalice.

PALL - a square of linen, stiffened with starch, cardboard, or plastic set on the chalice to prevent dirt or insects from falling into it. 

CORPORAL - a sacred cloth white linen around 20 inches square upon which the cahlice, paten, and ciborium are placed during the mass. When not in use, it is folded 3 times each way so as to form 9 equal squares.

COMMUNION PLATE -  a plate used by the server at the mass to catch any fragment of the Sacred host that might fall from the communicant while recieveing communion.

CHRISM OIL - a blend of olive oil and balsam blessed during the morning mass of the Chrism on Holy thursday by the bishop and used a the liturgical anointings  of persons and of things.